October 25, 2012

DIY: Birch Bark Planters

I found some buckets and candles on sale at a craft store. They were unfortunate shades of pastel pink, green and yellow. When I got home, my partner - bless his heart - was being helpful by putting things away, and thought the remarkable colour theme was meant to be. Each bucket got matched with its respective pastel candle equivalent and set up on the bookshelf. I can't blame him, really- it did look quite deliberate.

I then realized that, prior to this, there were no pastel colours in our house. Their presence irritated me more than you know. I like earthy, woody pieces of furniture. I like the outdoors to be indoors as much as possible. And so I painted them, or at least tried, and I think their transformation was quite satisfactory- especially since visions of Easter eggs were removed from the living room in the process.

All you need for this is acrylic paint, some buckets, a palette or plastic tray, paintbrushes and water. I'm not sure this really warrants step-by-step instruction, but once you have the base coat of beige or white- making horizontal brush strokes- it's easy to make different sized and less-than-perfect lines with a dark brown or black. Then find small plants in pots that fit inside (I used herbs), or use them for storage. Just like that, my apartment decor was back to a reasonable classification of eclectic.

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